"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
-- Alma 26:12

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Elder McKay, Elder Washburn, and Me

PREFACE: I am leaving you the choice to send the leadership call part to everyone else. I talked to Elders Washburn and McKay and they both didn't hold it back from people. I don't really care if you tell people, but I don't want people to think I'm boasting or anything. Believe me, I'm the last one who thinks I am qualified to be here. So if you want to send it on you can, if you don't, then don't. I love you either way :) END PREFACE

Well my wonderful family,

This week has been incredibly crazy. It started off normal, and then took a turn for ridiculous later on on Wednesday. We had interviews with President on Wednesday morning, and those went well. Then we taught the Busch Family, and they're awesome and will be baptized soon! Then we did some visits and had some things to do. It was Halloween that night, so we had to be in our homes by 6 pm. As we were driving home at like 5:55 I got a call from President Toombs. I had told him that morning in my interview that I was nervous and my stomach had butterflies about this transfer. He asked me, "Elder Bryan, do you still have butterflies?" I told him I did, and then he responded: "Well, I couldn't tell you this morning, but I want to call you as my new assistant. Will you accept that calling?" I told him I'd accept. So that night Elder Washburn and Elder McKay picked me up and we have been in a trio up until last night when Elder Washburn went to the last area of his mission for his last six weeks (he gets home the day before Kenna) in Greeley. Now it's Elder McKay and I again, at the same time of the year just one year later, ready to baptize the world!

So we have been pretty busy with transfers and everything. We had to figure out a ton of last minute stuff and try to arrange car transfers and missionary transfers and just a ton of stuff. On Sunday we had to pick up the missionaries that went home on monday and take them to the mission home. Monday was crazy. We drove a huge 12 passenger van to take the departing missionaries to the airport, and then we waited for a few minutes and we drove to passenger pickup and picked up all the new missionaries! There were 12 in this group including: Elder Andres Orejuela from Barrio Tarqui in Kennedy Guayaquil, Ecuador (yes, he knows Kenna!), and Sister Earl (Sis. Rowley's niece). We took them to the mission home and then to the mission office and started off their orientation. I then found out I had to give a training to the trainers before they met their greenies, so I prepared for that. Then we did the training meeting, and had dinner with the greenies and trainers (which by the way, Elder Aguayo [Elder Anderson's son] is training which means I have a great grandson in the mission, Elder Guymon). We had to drive Elder Washburn up to Greeley after that, and then we could go home. Crazy stuff. 

So as far as investigators go, we have an awesome lady named Beth that we're teaching. She grew up around LDS people, but lately has been having dreams about becoming a member of the church. She contacted her LDS friend who gave her the info of the missionaries and then she called the missionaries. She is set to be baptized on Dec. 1st, and is awesome. We are teaching Anya, a lady from Russia whose in-laws are members of the ward. She is really cool and has a lot of sincere and real intent. I hope she'll be able to progress. She is going back to New York where she was living before, in the middle of the month, and we're hoping to help her be baptized by then. I pray she'll be able to. We taught a man named Travis today who is a self-proclaimed atheist who is very interested in religion and if it maybe can help him have a better life, even though he thinks he has a pretty good life. I think he'll progress. He is showing faith by reading the Book of Mormon and letting us in. We taught a guy named Lloyd today who is a huge reader of the Bible and very knowledgeable about it as well. We answered a lot of his questions sincerely and I think if he shows humility and faith, he'll be able to progress as well. The teaching pool is very good at this point and we're hoping to add a ton to it. I can feel there are many of God's children prepared in this area to hear the gospel. 

Well, I'm nervous about this assignment, and there is a lot of unknown at this point, but there is a lot of comfort as well. I couldn't ask for a better companion than Elder McKay. He will provide the guidance and the example that I need. I look up to him so much. My greatest comfort comes in knowing that the Savior lives. He died and suffered for us, for me. For my sins, my pains, my feelings of loneliness, inadequacy, despair, and my discomforts. I know He knows how I feel. I know His atonement can lift me up and provide for me the enabling power that I need to fulfill my calling as a missionary and my assignment. I know He loves me and knows how to help me become the powerful and fruitful emissary of God that I am supposed to be. He knows you and will help you become the same. Moroni 10:32. I love my Savior. I love His work. 

Elder Logan Bryan 
My Former Companion, Elder Dodd--at the airport on his way home!

Another Former Companion, Elder Budge--going home also.

Elder DeVries--one of the elders I served with in Greeley--on his way home too!

Elder Washburn about to fall on a pile of leaves!

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