"Yea, I know that I am nothing; as to my strength I am weak; therefore I will not boast of myself, but I will boast of my God, for in his strength I can do all things; yea, behold, many mighty miracles we have wrought in this land, for which we will praise his name forever."
-- Alma 26:12

Monday, January 7, 2013

Beast Mode

The effects the Office has on Me!!!

Well my amazing family,

This week was beast! We had some different duties that we needed to get done, but all in all, it was a dang good week. I went on 2 exchanges--one in Aurora, and one in Arvada. They were both really good. Elder Mckay's birthday was this week too! It was a really good day where we both were edified so much by President meeting with us before ZLCs. He just testified to us of the love God has for his children and how when we exercise faith, God will help us find them. I was in tears meeting with him, and at the personal experiences he shared with us. President Toombs is such an amazing man. I love him.

While we were on exchanges this week, Elder McKay and some zone leaders found many potential investigators, and 3 new investigators, and last night Elder McKay and I found 1 more! I wasn't there for any of the lessons for them except last night with Chad, but I've met one of them, her name is Angie. She has golden gospel questions, and I know if we could teach her in a non-distracting environment (like in the church) she would progress and be baptized. The one experience I was here for was teaching Chad, and it was great. When Elder McKay and Elder Reiber found Chad, they were driving on that road, and felt a strong prompting to go back and talk to him. They turned around, parked, and walked right up to him. He said he is wanting to change his life. They told him about the prompting to go talk to him, and he said it gave him goosebumps. We went back and taught him last night, and we asked him to tell us his story, and he did. We then testified of the cleansing power of the atonement--how all-encompassing, and ever-reaching it is. We testified of baptism and how it could help him, and invited him to be baptized, and he accepted! Then we invited him to be baptized on January 27th, and he accepted! It was an amazing lesson, and we're going to do everything we can to help him to be prepared to be baptized on that date. He is humble and willing to do so, and I know this is an answer to our prayers and fasting. Elder McKay and another zone leader are going to teach him on Thursday at 11, because we're doing 4 exchanges this week. I know it will be a great lesson, and just pray that he will be willing to come to church and show his faith by being baptized and keeping commitments.

One last experience. I was in Arvada on exchanges, and we went with one of the districts to go tracting in one area. We went and I wanted to be paired with one of the brand new missionaries to go tracting. So we went. His name is Elder Wengreen, and we went tracting in a fairly well-to-do area. So we started and weren't having much luck. Then we tracted into this girl named Cheryl. She was about 21 or 22, and we started talking to her and letting her know who we were. She told us she wasn't religious. We asked if she believed in God, and she told us she didn't believe in anything. Well, it wasn't going so hot. Then we just started talking to her and getting to know her life and her dreams and goals. She is going to culinary school and hopes to be able to travel around the world and see the different cultures and cuisines and bring them back to the US. She told us that being in culinary school had changed her life around. We asked her how, and she told us that after high school she had gotten into some bad stuff, and that when she went to culinary school she got rid of her group of friends that had a bad influence on her. We testified of the power of the atonement and God's love for her. She then told us, "You know, part of me wants to believe" and shared an experience her brother had. We testified of our purpose and again of God's love for her, and the conversation ended with her being so excited to call us and meet with us, and also her saying, "I will definitely call you, and I'm sure my mom would want to meet with you too, so I'm excited!" WOW. The Lord is preparing the hearts of his children--even as we testify to them. How powerful is the Spirit as it testifies to the hearts of those we talk to. I love the gospel. It is the power of God unto the convincing of men. It is happiness. I love the Savior. 

After Cheryl we tracted into a lady that didn't even open her screen door and told us she was Catholic and was about to shut the door, but then we asked for a referral! She actually thought about it and told us there was a lady a few houses down that was elderly and had just lost her husband. So we went and tried to find this lady, and sure enough a few houses down, Connie answered the door. We told her we were missionaries and were here to help people in whatever way we can. We asked if we could help her with anything now that her husband is gone, and she told us her kids help her with most things, but then she broke down and said, "It's hard." How my heart felt for her as she told us this. We testified to her that her Heavenly Father loves her, and she thanked us for telling her that and for coming to help. Then she said her husband was a physician and had lots of Mormon patients, but she never really got to know about the religion or what we believe and that she'd like to. We told her that's what we do (a little excited and astounded), and she said she was interested in finding out what we believe. We asked if we could share a scripture with her then, and she invited us in--but we couldn't go in because there was no male home.  We then told her we could bring a gentleman from our congregation by in the next week to talk to her. She then said, "You know, why don't we try that. Let's see how that works". So, the Arvada 4th ward is going to get a pretty prepared investigator that they can simply testify of the atonement, and of the plan of salvation to, and the Spirit will do the rest. I know this is the Lord's work. Things don't just happen like that. I was even astounded at how amazing that tracting experience was (especially in Arvada.):D But the Lord is preparing people, and "Angels are declaring" His gospel. 

Elder Logan Bryan

Celebrating Elder McKay's Birthday at the Kaiser's Home!

Loved Photo Collage gift from Mama McKay!
Part of the Group at Dinner/Birthday Celebration

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